Looking for the therapist
Life is like a black board..
Each individual plays multiple roles and wears multiple caps
All of us carry the burdens of our piling responsibilities in our regular lives. What if you can find a connection between this constant dissatisfaction and the events of your past?
Through PLR, we try to go on a journey of past life from the present. Your therapist will help you come to terms with your actual responsibilities , your actual life goals and to know your purpose in this present life.Simplifying your day to day life with peace of mind, you will experience connectivity. People have met with individuals with whom they have interacted in the past by living in the present. People have experienced astral projections, interaction with divine energies, some with their gurus, also some with aliens.
Want to know more? Book an appointment today!
our masters of PLR will take you to your exclusive journey which is known only to you for the corrections of your present course of life… In simple words knowingly or unknowingly we might be intentionally or unintentionally hurting our own loved ones in inner family and external family (friends and loved ones). PLR not only helps us know our regular way of behaving but also helps in our professional and social life.
Their might be unnoticed thoughts or the talks coming out of an individual causing a vital damage to the souls which would get on to the revenge mode by showing physical Action of hurting.. can be avoided by PLR. In some scenarios these inner vital damage of souls leading to suicidal attempts of hurting other side of individuals , brutal harassment, abusing , aggression, … etc.. can be avoided through PLR sessions. Their are many cases which our masers have seen and come across where demonic or evil thoughts running behind an individual has been converted towards angelic and human behaviour. This has been witnessed in this era in this today’s life of 2022 to 2023 by our experts and converted as testimonials for the betterment of peoples life.
PLR Contribution
PLR has contributed to the society for a peaceful life and creating responsible citizens contributing their Time and efforts towards Corporate Social Responsibilities. Many broken families were united, unspoken and hidden cries were wiped off by angelic hands, deep dive pains has been enrouted, places were cleansed by eviction act by unknown entities with the help of our masters.
PLR program
Helps individual to touch the root cause of the problem
There were many incidents been predicted in advance and collateral damages been stopped or controlled well in advance. By taking this programme, it not only corrects your thoughts and your lifestyles also does not harm your physical body or mental body or your soul. This is very safe. It is proven through testimonials. It doesn’t require any medicines. Your family members, Near ones, your loved ones, or your friends can witness your own programme while you are taking therapy. It is as safe as it is said. Every client’s privacy has been maintained.