Past Life Regression

PLR is a gentle form of hypnotherapy which takes an individual back through time to their previous lives or incarnations by accessing memories and experiences that are embedded deep in their subconscious mind. They are present there and may be affecting and determining the present life of the individual, while remaining unavailable at the conscious level. Having lost touch with our subconscious and being distracted and engrossed in our day to day life, we are unable to access these memories, hidden beneath the activity and cacophony of our everyday thoughts. A PLR session takes an individual into a deeply quiet and peaceful state where it is possible to locate the memories held in the subconscious mind.
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What are the benefits of PLR?

Past Life Regression can become a very significant therapy today as it can help to

  • Deal with disturbing personal relationships by seeing them in a new light
  • Identify unexplained physical ailments and see where they stem from in the past life experiences
  • Explore unexplainable fears and phobias which may be the results of unresolved past life emotions
  • Help understand why a person feels a deep connection with certain places and people and a deep dislike towards some others
  • Get rid of fears and anxieties linked to past life traumas.
  • Deal with past life traumas at the root of physical problems.
  • Explore past life and current Soul mate experiences.
  • Acknowledge and embrace the key lessons learned through those lives.
  • Energize talents and abilities from the past
  • Experience the transitional states of death and beyond
  • Understand and align with life purpose


We are the sum total of all the experiences of all the lives that we have lived till now

  • Everything that we experience has an emotional content which can consist of positive and/or negative emotions, love and fear*
  • All our experiences are recorded in our mind exactly as it was experienced
  • Every cause has a corresponding effect. Our past affects our present
  • Our mind operates in different dimensions of consciousness, independently and simultaneously. Our conscious mind is what we do. Our subconscious mind is what we are. Our super conscious mind is the Soul or God Source

*When we remove the negative emotions by going to the root cause, the physical health improves and related ailments can be cured. Similarly, emotional/mental diseases, relationship issues, issues of fear etc. can be cured


Philosophical assumptions

  • We have many levels of consciousness which include awareness, ego states and past life scenarios which are active at any given moment of time
  • The physical, spiritual and emotional levels are often not in harmony with each other which lead to disequilibrium or creation of diseases
  • We have a natural drive or instinct toward wholeness, integration and equilibrium Pain and disharmony makes us focus our attention on the non-aligned aspects of our mind. This eventually forces us to create a balance psychologically or physically. On the spiritual level, movement is towards karmic balance
  • Past life therapy enables the therapist to make the client explore deeper parts of his/her psyche (mind)


Therapeutic assumptions

  • Problems, situations and symptoms in life are not as they appear
  • Insight does not necessarily bring change 7
  • Past life patterns are used to understand and retrieve unconscious motivational factors IV. Any resistances are reactive patterns to important happenings in past lives that are required to be explored and examined in the healing process
  • There is a transcendent or supreme function within the psychological make-up of the individual that knows the origin of the problems and its corresponding resolutions
  • There may be paranormal /supernatural aspects to a problem

PLR therapy

PLR therapy involves the process of identifying the negative emotions and replacing them with positive emotions. The PLR process involves:

  • Identifying the ailment and the negative emotions connected to it that caused the ailment
  • Determining the source experience/s that have made an imprint in the mind of the individual
  • Making the individual relive the experience
  • Helping the individual to understand that the imprinted emotions are of a past and not relevant in the current life
  • Helping to replace negative emotions by positive ones
The Therapist Prepares Himself As Well As The Client And Ascertains Whether Past Life Therapy Will Resolve The Issues In The Client’s Life. Towards This End, The Therapist Takes The Following Steps



The therapist prepares a format which the client fills during the initial interview. It is a questionnaire which provides details of the client. The therapist should seek information that will help him/her to conduct a successful regression session


The initial interview

The initial interview: At this juncture the therapist tries to get to know the issues that the client wishes to resolve. For this, he sets the goals of the therapy session.

He tries to find out the history of the client, earliest memories, possible traumas, self-image of the client around puberty, socialization period, etc. He tries to find out about the family structure, how the client was brought up, etc. Also, how the client deals in interpersonal relationships, his/her approach to succeeding in life, what are his/her defence strategies to deal with situations in life. He tries to get the client’s views and attitudes towards sex, power, body image, wealth, life, etc. The current health profile is sought and found out, whether there are any major health issues and whether PLT would create any risk in these issues. The therapist finds out whether the client has undergone any past life regression sessions earlier, how they have helped or otherwise and the manner in which they were conducted


Identifying the core issue

As the client is describing the problem, the therapist observes and makes notes

  • Words that are illogical and out of context
  • Words that cause a change in emotion or body language
  • Repeated phrases that hold emotional charge The therapist then establishes trigger phrases or sentences to be used during the session. For e.g. if anger is the issue that is required to be resolved in the session, the therapist narrows down anger to whether it is :
  • Anger at authority
  • Anger when the client is helpless
  • Anger when the client does not get what he/she wants, etc. These issues are to be properly addressed and resolved, else the client will go all over the time track with different kinds of anger, never dealing with the situation causing the specific anger in the problem that is required to be resolved.


Exploring Past Life Regression

The client has to be made aware of the induction techniques that will be used and how verbal directions will be given that have to be followed to move to the required lifetime. Once the therapist has all the information, he/she decides whether the issues in the client’s life can be resolved by Past Life Regression


Preparation for PLR

Past Life Regression can become a very significant therapy today as it can help to

Eu vestibulum praesent pretium platea fusce amet lobortis ut malesuada neque scelerisque pulvinar quisque turpis ut etiam sit volutpat a scelerisque quis

Holistic approach

Senectus fringilla vitae at lacus sollicitudin mi vel consectetur congue facilisi amet, maecenas egestas imperdiet.

Passionate teachers

Senectus fringilla vitae at lacus sollicitudin mi vel consectetur congue facilisi amet, maecenas egestas imperdiet.

Supervision to keep children

Senectus fringilla vitae at lacus sollicitudin mi vel consectetur congue facilisi amet, maecenas egestas imperdiet.

Factors to consider before undergoing PLR


Increased chances of working if

The client’s problems have not responded to other traditional forms of therapy
  • The client has some apparent past life memories
  • The intuition of the therapist that it would work
  • To remember positive aspects of past lives and build positive models for handling life stages or crisis
  • Unusual dreams that seem to indicate past life material coming through
  • Phobias, types of anxiety or depression
  • Migraines, chronic medical problems, sexual problems of frigidity or impotence, psychosomatic illnesses
  • Relationship issue

Decreased chances of working if

  • The client is highly agitated or is psychotic
  • He/she has a borderline personality disorder
  • The client is in the midst of a life crisis that needs resolution
  • Addictions of drugs or alcohol
  • The client resists to come for therapy or has to be forced to come for therapy
  • The client claims to be possessed
  • The client seems to be avoiding present life problems
  • The client is receiving secondary gain from his symptoms
  • The client desires PLT for resolving unrealistic expectations
  • The client is not available for follow ups and/or support system

Preparation for PLR

We prefer to conduct sessions in the morning. Most clients prefer to lie down during the PLR session, while some prefer to sit, though this is rare.

Temperature in the room should be comfortable.

It is essential to ensure that outside noise is minimal so that the client is not disturbed. We advise clients to have a light dinner the previous evening as it keeps the stomach relaxed.

Getting sound sleep during the previous night improves results.

During the session, the client may experience pain, anxiety, fear, may want to cry, etc. This is because emotional baggage is being released.

The process of relieving pent up emotions takes about 2-5 minutes. The client may be frightened to let go of such emotions, however we assure them that they need not worry; in fact it is better to find such a release as the client is sure to feel a lot lighter after releasing this baggage of their past life.

We advise the client to:

Preferably wear loose, light coloured clothes during the session.

Before the session, exercises like stretching, jumping and deep breathing helps. Massaging legs, back, arms and neck vigorously improves the blood circulation in the muscles. It helps the process of release of deeply embedded thoughts from the mind.

While in a trance, various parts of your body will not be in a position to move. If the client feels a desire to scratch any body part during the trance, the client is advised to bear the same or inform the regression therapist about it

Before starting the session, a regressionist is required to know the client’s preferences. Some people are singers, some dreamers. Some people are partial to certain smells, e.g, rose, jasmine etc.People have to be hypnotised through songs, dreams or scents of their choice. We don’t maintain any records of the sessions that we conduct. Hence, in case a client wishes to discuss a previous session, if some details about that session are given, they will help me to recollect the details.

Use a sheet to cover themselves during the session

The mind is not in the brain. If a mirror is broken into many pieces, then each piece is capable of forming a whole image. Similarly, the mind is embodied in each part of every organ. Therefore, we recommend jumping, skipping, stretching, massage and deep breathing before a session. After the session it helps the body for its journey through the present life.

If the client experiences thirst, the therapist should be informed who will feed a few spoons of water to the client. In case the client desires to use the restroom, he/she will have to come out of the trance. The client can be hypnotized again thereafter.